Freshman Orientation – August 18th

Freshman Orientation
We are very excited that your child will be attending North High School and we look forward to meeting your student on Orientation Day. As you may know, our school participates in the nationwide Link Crew Program, an organization whose sole purpose is to help freshmen feel more comfortable as well as help them achieve success in their first year of high school.

The freshman orientation and transition program is designed to both welcome and support freshmen by assigning them an upper classman Student Government Leader as a mentor during this first year. This Leader is a responsible older student who was hand selected from a large pool of applicants and has met the qualifications of being a good role model and a positive leader on our campus.

Following is some information to let you know what you and your student can expect in advance of their first day of school.

1. Your child can expect to receive an invitation to the August 18th Freshman Orientation Day in person from their middle school. If he or she has not received the invitation by August 1, 2015, please call the main office at North (515-242-7200);
2. A day or two before orientation your child will also receive a phone call from her or his Student Government Leader personally inviting your student to orientation day and giving the details of where to be and what time;
3. Your child is encouraged not to bring backpacks, purses or other like items as the day is quite active;
4. Because the day is active, please make sure that your child wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
5. Transportation is available to/from your child’s middle school to North for orientation day. More information on reserving your child’s spot on the bus will be outlined in your invitation.

This is a student only function, so we encourage you to let your child attend on their own. Please feel free, however, to attend the PARENT MEETING that morning:

North High Cafeteria and Auditorium
Start time, August 18th, 9:00 AM.
The meeting will last about an hour

We look forward to meeting you and your child on orientation day!

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