North High School Musical, “Into the Woods” now streaming!

We are accepting donations currently for the streaming of the North High School Musical, “Into the Woods”, since our in person production has been cancelled due to Covid-19.  There were over five dozen students that had been working since December 2019 to produce this difficult Sondheim musical.  We had spent over $3,000 and put in hundreds of hours for this production.  The video is captured from the final rehearsal and we have the rights to stream to recoup some funds.  Any donation will support future endeavors for the next time we are live on stage!  Thank you so much for your supports of the arts!     …….Amy Rost, Theater Arts Director

Click HERE to watch the YouTube video of “Into the Woods” last full rehearsal.

Click HERE to donate to the North High School Theater Arts Department.  Your help is MUCH appreciated!

Into the Woods

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