Bulletin Board
Hours of Operation: School hours are 8:15 AM to 3:15 PM. School office hours are 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Summer office hours are 7:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
Tech Office Hours: Daily Hours are before school 7:45 – 8:15 AM and after school 3:25 – 3:45 PM. For help, please email the building tech specialist at Michael.Lucht@dmschools.org.
Canvas: https://dmschools.instructure.com/
Outlook: www.outlook.com/DMSchools.org
School CNXT: Click HERE for instructions in English + 11 additional language translations.
Polar Bear Apparel! Click HERE to shop and order!
Schedule changes go through the Counseling Office.
Kerry Williams- (Last name begins with A-En) Schedule an appt. https://bit.ly/NHSC_A-D
Trent Griggs- (Last name begins with Eo-Le) Schedule an appt. https://bit.ly/NHSC_E-K
Laura Negrete-Reinders- (Last name begins with Lf-Re) Schedule an appt. https://bit.ly/NHSC_L-Q
Tiffani Veen (Last name begins with Rf-Z) Schedule an appt. http://bit.ly/NHSC_Veen
*** Schedule an appointment with Nurse Terri Kruse HERE
Remember to check the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for grades and assignment updates. Unable to access the parent portal? Call 242-7200. How to log into the Parent Portal
For Silver Cord Program Information, please click HERE.
To sign up, please see Ms. Pinkney in room 1405 Black hallway or email meja.pinkney@dmschools.org for more information.
Quick Links
Teacher Classroom
Otter Club Practice
Teacher Classroom
Science Bound Sy5
Otter Club Practice